The following rules apply to the Twenty Peaks:

  1. After you register, we will send you the Twenty Peaks participant jersey if you ask to include it in your registration (6-month challenge only). You then have 20 climbs to perform in 6 months to become a “Finisher” and be eligible to purchase the matching Finisher bib shorts at a very low price reserved only for finishers. Registration remains open 2 months after the start date.
  2. You can have as many tries on a single climb as you wish. Your best result within the challenge dates will count.
  3. Rides performed before your registration will not be considered for the Twenty Peaks challenge.
  4. Rides performed before your edition’s start date and time or after the end date and time will not be considered for the Twenty Peaks challenge.
  5. Connect your cycling computer or Strava account to Twenty Peaks in the dedicated area on the Twenty Peaks website. We analyze your efforts as soon as they are released and update your climb count automatically.
  6. Stay on the official route as published by Twenty Peaks, otherwise, your effort might not be counted.
  7. Age groups for classification purposes are based on birth year only and relate to the start date of the edition. For example, If your event starts on July 1st, 2020 and your birth date is September 2nd, 1980, you will be placed in the 40+ category even though you are still 2 months short of 40.
  8. Personal, club, and MM Classifications are calculated as follows:

    a. Personal classification - Every climb is worth 1.5X its difficulty score - (minus) the time results in minutes.

    b. Club classification - Every climb is worth 1.5X its difficulty score - (minus) the time results in minutes.

    c. Mountain Master - Total difficulty score for all completed climbs.

  9. Open men/women winners, as well as age category winners, will be announced on the day following the edition’s end date.
  10. Most importantly - stay safe and play fare. We reserve the right to cancel any result if there is reasonable doubt that it has been obtained in a faulty manner.